Got facial hair? Help us raise money for the West Michigan Cancer Center

Competition_Poster_v5_leftalign.jpgEarlier this month we shaved for a cause.

This week, we're combining two of our favorite things to raise awareness and money for cancer research.

Our Beers with Beards party is Wednesday at the Eccentric Café in partnership with The Proper Possible Movement (Proper) and other Kalamazoo area businesses.

Coinciding with No-Shave November, we are calling out all the beards and mustaches out there for a friendly little competition.

Prizes will range from an Urban Modern Hair package to gift certificates to Henderson Castle.

There will also be a DJ, dancing, “after” photos from Victor Vague Photography and of course, plenty of Bell’s beer starting at 8 p.m.

There is a $5 suggested donation for admission. All proceeds will go to the West Michigan Cancer Center.

The competition categories are:


• Most likely to be asked: “Did you draw that thing on?”

• Most likely to give Magnum PI a run for his money


• Most likely to be called Patch Adams

• Most likely to get those digits

• Most likely to make people question if you cheated and grew before November 1st

• Most likely to be Called “Peachy”

Head Start (for those who did not join us at our Shave the Date Party)

• Most likely to be mistaken for Santa Claus

• Most likely to be mistaken for a Brewer at Bell’s

• Most likely to be mistaken for ZZ Top

Best of Show

Properest Beard or Mustache


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